
Monday, January 25, 2010

Why is it that I have to decide now what I want to do for the rest of my life?

Why, as high school students, do we have the mind set of A's or DIE?
It's because we want to be able to get into the best college possible, right?  So that THEN, we can maintain that same mind set that tore us down throughout high school... so that we can graduate and maybe hopefully get a high paying job by 25.  We MUST have a high paying job--not just because we need to be able to fund a lavish lifestyle but also so we can pay for our children to attend the best college, and even before that, the best high school, and before that, the best middle school, in hopes that they can get a job and continue to vicious cycle?

Is it REALLY necessary to be a 25 year old professional instead of a 29 year old professional?


Some thrive.
Some deal.
Some breakdown.

Is it really worth it?

I hope those close to me know their potential.  And know that even if high school doesn't end up like they had hoped, or if they don't become a brain surgeon by 25, it will not be the end of the world.  And if it is, I will be right there with ya. :)

**disclaimer** In case you were worried about my sanity, I am not part of the some who breakdown... or maybe I am and I'm in denial.


Eva Padilla said...

Such is life...
This is what it's all about... Thank you society.