Isn't it weird?....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

how much things change?

when you're home isn't really your home anymore?  And you don't consider where you live your home either?

Don't get me wrong, it is always nice to be "home."  But, I kinda feel out of place. 

I sometimes wish things could go back to the way they were.

BUT they can't.

So I guess I will continue doing what I do best..... being awkward :)

procrastination is like...

Friday, December 18, 2009

well you know...

These last two days have been traumatizing.  I will never procrastinate again....
I think I may be dying?  I tried to sleep at 5ish last night but couldn't bc I was stressing about all the schtuff I had to get done today.  SOO I went for a morning swim.  I. am. so. tired.  And my hands are a weird color!... orange or something.  Jaundice?  Who knows. 

I wanna play someee basketball!  bahhh.

I will be home in darling Claremont tomorrooooooow. :D


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Okay, so before I begin my rant about the worst show on TV, I would like to share the conversation we had in my exercise physiology class today.

SO... Dr. Vehrs, before handing out our final, started to wish us a happy Christmas break.  The conversation went something like this...

Dr. Vehrs: I hope that everyone has a great Christmas break.  Is anyone doing anything particularly exciting?  Any weddings or births?  I usually get a few weddings from each class.  Oh, and one of our classmates has just had twins. (everyone congratulated the new mom.)
....and another is the hospital right now getting ready to deliver!"
Classmate: No, Dr. Vehrs!  She's right here!

My classmate pointed to the girl sitting behind her.  This girl looked totally frazzled.  She was in sweats with her hair all sorts of crazy.  She could barely answer and said...

Pregnant girl:
Ya...I'm in labor.
Me: WHAT THEEE... REALLY?  She is in labor and came to take our final!!!
Dr. Vehrs: Uhh well, okay.  I DID deliver one of my daughters!  So if you need any help just let me know!

I thought I had seen it all.  But that certainly took the cake for crazy things I have experienced at BYU.  That is either complete insanity or complete and total dedication.
Now to what I was originally going to write about... Jersey Shore.
I am all for reality TV.  In fact, I love reality TV.  But this show is seriously horrible.  I don't know if it is that they do absolutely nothing worth mentioning all day long or if that it is full of almost the trashiest people I have ever come across.  Is Jersey really like this?  Full of super-gelled fake-tan tools?

and cake-face skanks? 

 I really hope not.  I guess assuming all New Jersey-ans are like the cast is kind of like saying everyone from the IE is a bro/bro-hoe.

While we probably don't have enough dumpsters to fit all of the bros/bro-hoes in the IE, we are certainly not JUST bros and their hoes.  Either way, this show is ridiculously horrible.  DON'T WATCH.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How exactly does self-worth work?  I know that sounds like a stupid question...but really.   Who are we if not the person that other people think we are?  If I don't think I'm funny but everyone else does, then I must be funny.  Conversely, if I think I'm funny but no one else does, then I am not funny.  If I think I am beautiful but no one else does, then I must not be beautiful and vice versa.  Right?  But why should we be defined by what others think of us?  I personally could care less about what a majority of the people around me think.  But, is that even possible?  I can't live my life in solitude.  My interactions with people are based on their opinions of me.  I care to interact with other people.  So then I guess I do care what they think?  It DOES matter what others think.  Then does it even matter what I think of myself?  No matter how high I personally hold myself, people will treat me how they think I should be treated based on the person THEY think I am.  So, are we just hopelessly subjected to the opinions of others?  Or is it self-worth that really matters?

Who am I really?

New Beginnings

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Here comes the end!  Hallelujah.  About this time of year I always wonder "wtf am I doing with my life?"  And every year I pledge that the next will be different.  But THIS YEAR I really am going to change issh around.  haha.  NO MORE...

  1. procrastination
  2. gym slacking
  3. frivolous spending
  4. time wasting
  5. umm don't know how to put this one...but no more

 4 days until I go homeee :)


16 days 23 hours


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sooo here I am! I'm probably going to be the most retarded blogger ever. BUT I've decided that it don't matta. I'm going to write whatever comes to my mind. Stalking me will be extra easy ;) I am approaching finals week. I currently have 17 quizzes, and 7 exams to complete. I'm so good at school it's ridiculous. CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!! YAY! I love Christmas. Hopefully, I can go snowboarding sooooon. If anyone is curious as to what I want for Christmas. Here you go....
I have nothing else to say except... SUCK IT JAZZ FANS.... loooove them lakers :)

P.S. Miss you friends in CA.