
Monday, September 27, 2010

you can look all over but NO you'll never find...issh like mine.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

stupid girls.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Aren't we?

Doesn't it suck to be sucked in?

I think so.

We are in love with the idea of our own fairytale.  But for most of us, it seems like it will never happen.

Maybe someday.

For now, I'm just going to continue to be my pessimistic self.

Guys are douchebags.

...most of them anyway :)

late night contemplation

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Seriously, if there is anything I've is that life is exactly what you make it.  We are the determining factor in our life's journey.  I will be affected by what I choose to be affected.  I will be the person I want to be.  What is life if not what we perceive it to be... People will be how they want to be but the way we chose to deal with it determines the life we lead.  We are only in control of our emotions, thoughts, and actions.  Why bother with others negative vibes.  Act the way you want to act, feel the way you want to feel, be the way you want to be...and the rest will fall into place.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

 **DISCLAIMER** this post is kinda lame.

I haven't blogged in a while...partly because I have better things to do nowadays.... but I promised a certain someone (THALIA MENDOZA a.k.a. {ice}) I would blog :)

SOOO here is what my life has been like recently...

And thus began my turning point...

So, for all of you who know me, you probably know that I wasn't the fondest of Utah.  I was sent to BYU and I was determined to fight it.  But, recently my eyes have been opened... thanks to a certain few.  I am grateful for the craziness, late nights, hikes, hang out seshs, road trips, new experiences, and new friends.  I love my friends.  Like a wise person once said, "There is just some energy that has brought us together."  And I believe it.

Crazy that life brings exactly what/who we need.

Anyways, Utah has grown on me. 

Embrace life and what it gives you.

SIDE NOTE: This is just something I thought about the other day.... part of my mind expanded... I totally bag on Utah girls... I will admit.  I think they're lame and pretty much the same.  BUT, I am the product of a 100% authentic Utah girl.  IRONIC.  So rock on Utah girlies.  Do yo thang.  I guess you're not all that bad ;)

"A mind once expanded can never return to it's original dimensions."


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Well I haven't posted anything in a while.  Soooo here we go!

Life... is... good!  I think?
Recently I've been 90% DRAMA FREE.  There was a small incident of drama haha so I dropped it down to 90.  But still!  Woo!

I am grateful for my friends :)

I'm definitely not doing things the way I'm "supposed" to. 

I'm livin life.   

P.S.  I think everyone should watch the Bad Girls Club.  So redonk but soooo funny.  haha.

"NO!  I don't ride in vans!"
if you know what I'm talking about, I love you.

best commercial.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I randomly remembered this commercial today. It is old but I think it is genius. :)

"The purpose of our new ad is to spread a message of hope about the potential of every human life"


Monday, January 25, 2010

Why is it that I have to decide now what I want to do for the rest of my life?

Why, as high school students, do we have the mind set of A's or DIE?
It's because we want to be able to get into the best college possible, right?  So that THEN, we can maintain that same mind set that tore us down throughout high school... so that we can graduate and maybe hopefully get a high paying job by 25.  We MUST have a high paying job--not just because we need to be able to fund a lavish lifestyle but also so we can pay for our children to attend the best college, and even before that, the best high school, and before that, the best middle school, in hopes that they can get a job and continue to vicious cycle?

Is it REALLY necessary to be a 25 year old professional instead of a 29 year old professional?


Some thrive.
Some deal.
Some breakdown.

Is it really worth it?

I hope those close to me know their potential.  And know that even if high school doesn't end up like they had hoped, or if they don't become a brain surgeon by 25, it will not be the end of the world.  And if it is, I will be right there with ya. :)

**disclaimer** In case you were worried about my sanity, I am not part of the some who breakdown... or maybe I am and I'm in denial.

Ashley is in a bad mood.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things I hate....

I hate when people chew with their mouths open.
I hate that I am so far from home.
I hate that I procrastinate.
I hate when people call me lazy.
I hate that I don't live up to my parents' expectations.
I hate that I don't workout everyday.
I hate when people bite their nails.
I hate manginas.
I hate that I always get involved with manginas.
I hate that I get booted off the court every night at the gym because apparently girls don't know how to play basketball.
I hate being a friend of convenience.
I hate people who think they can treat others like crap.
I hate girls who constantly talk about boys.
I hate hypocrits.
I hate the Utah Jazz.
I hate that I didn't try harder last semester.
I hate doing laundry.
I hate bacon and sausage.
I hate that I can't go back in time.
I hate that I keep making the same mistake.
I hate the word crotch.
I hate Utah drivers.
I hate slow drivers.
I hate obnoxious people.
I hate people who judge me by my religion.
I hate abortion.
I hate rude people.
I hate conceited people.
I hate that the cast of the Hills is so rich and famous for doing absolutely nothing.
I hate hearing about how cool the cast of the Hills is.
I hate icy roads.
I hate that I don't ride my bike more often.
I hate that I have lost contact with so many good friends.
I hate needy girls.
I hate that I can't hold grudges.
I hate user friends.
I hate that I am not with my family more often.
I hate that I have such a horrible memory.
I hate speeding tickets.
I hate that I am still dependent on my parents.
I hate when people assume.
I hate gold diggers.
I hate not being able to fall asleep.
I hate that I am so scared of ghosts.
I hate liberals...haha jk.
I hate New Moon.
I hate being bored.
I hate that I can't think of everything I hate.

I hate that I hate so many things.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

SOOO, something kind of crazy happened to me recently.  My good ol' friend Laura texted me and said  
"Omg ash i'm looking at our pics from summer '06
and i swear to cuss the guy who cut our hair is 
justin freakin bobby from the hills!!"
At first, I didn't believe it.  I mean, he LOOKS like Justin Bobby.  But, I DOUBT it's him.  Soo, I asked the authority on the topic... pop culture expert and friend, Thalia Mendoza. haha.  She confirmed that it WAS Justin Bobby! 

 Baaasically what happened was.... I was living at my grandpa's in Newport.  Laura came down for a couple days and we decided to go to the US Open of Surfing.  Hurley just haaappened to be giving free hair cuts.  But, the catch was that you had to get the same hair cut as their model.  Laura and I have never been known to pass up something FOR FREE.  Sooo, we got the hair cut :)

...probably the coolest hair cut we've ever gotten.  And what makes it even better is that it was done by the oh so sexy Justin Bobby (before he was famous for being a jerk)... and it was FREE!  The REAL shocker is that he was really talented!  Whodda thunk someone on The Hills actually has some talent?! hahah.

So, I'm dedicating this blog to the super amazing summer of 2006.




Winter Break

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So, I had an awesome winter break but it was waaaay too short.  This is how it happened...kinda.... I have a reaaally bad memory.
-arrived in CA
-recovered from my finals
-shopped with Mom
-dinner with Mom, Petra, and Connor
-hair cut
-swam with Dad
-bbq at Ronit's
-sleepover at Joi joi's with smav
-made homemade pasta :)
-drew got food poisoning due to avi's "special" surprises in the pasta
-hung out with mom
-lunch with mandi, mama barbara, and grams.
-ticket to ride! with ev
-fashion district with thali :)
-bike ride
-dinner with joia, avi and nicole

....reasons I had the best new years ever.
1. awesome music
2. with my favorite people
3. in LA
4. dancing for hourrsss